The Palestinian News Agency, WAFA, reported on Saturday that Israeli
soldiers continued, for the third day, to bar residents from reaching
their homes in Tal Romeida neighborhood, in the center of Hebron, in
the souther part of the West Bank.  Soldiers closed roads leading to
several Palestinian homes and barred the residents from crossing.

Resident Hisham Al Azza, said that soldiers stationed in the neighborhood placed barbed wires on the road leading to his house, the house of his brother and several Palestinians houses, after the settlers repeatedly threatened to attack the houses if the road remains opened.

The army, and instead of facing the settlers and their repeated attacks, decided to close the road.

Al Azza stated that the Israeli High Court of Justice ordered the army to keep the road opened, but the court order never saw the light.

Also, Al Azza considered the closure of the road and the isolation of the houses as a punishment to the residents in order to force them out, and enable the settlers of the Ramat Yishai illegal outpost to occupy the Palestinian houses and make them part of the outpost.

The houses of Al Azza and his brother are adjacent to the illegal outpost which was constructed on Palestinian property the settlers took over by force.