Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyya, said on Monday during the
thirty-first session of the ministers council in Gaza that there are
continuous efforts to end the current internal crisis, and form a
national unity government in accordance with the Detainees' Document.

Haniyya added that all parties agreed to intensify the internal meetings between them in order to determine the nature of the coming government which will concentrate on serving the Palestinian people and break the siege imposed on them.

He welcomed the Egyptian role and efforts in serving the people and their cause, and in encouraging national dialogue between all factions.

Also, Haniyya said that efforts to release the captured Israeli soldier since six month in exchange of Palestinian detainees, imprisoned by Israel, are in the final stages.

Moreover, Haniyya welcomed the agreement reached between Fateh and Hamas in order to end the chaos and withdraw arms from the streets, and asked the Interior Minister, Sa'id Siyam, to follow up the agreement and conduct the needed measures to end the insecurity that threatens and burdens the residents.
Regarding the employees strike and the unpaid salaries, Haniyya said that the government is conducting utmost efforts in order to pay the salaries, adding that it managed to allocate money for the employees and will announce the date of paying them as soon as possible.

Also, Haniyya slammed the ongoing Israeli closure of the Rafah Border Crossing, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, and demanded the International Community to practice pressure on Israel in order to reopen the crossing and stop its violations against the Palestinian People.

“Rafah is a Palestinian controlled area” Haniyya stated, “Israel should not be allowed to interfere in the internal issues under any circumstances”.

Haniyya also demanded the international community to interfere for the release of the Palestinian legislators and ministers who were abducted by the Israeli army, and held Israel responsible for the deterioration of the health condition of Dr. Aziz Dweik, head of the Legislative Council.