Palestinian security sources in the Gaza Strip reported on Monday night
that the Spanish aid worker who was abducted earlier in Gaza by unknown
gunmen was released.

Palestinian security sources in the Gaza Strip reported on Monday night that the Spanish aid worker who was abducted earlier in Gaza by unknown gunmen was released.

The officials said that Roberto Vila, 34, who works with the Spanish charity group, Cooperation Assembly for Peace, was unconditionally released by the gunmen.

The officials were talking in condition of anonymity because they aren't allowed to talk to the press. The identity of the captors remained unknown.

Last week, an Associated Press photographer was abducted by an unknown group and was released 16 hours later.

Aid Worker Kidnapped in Gaza

Caysha Cay-IMEMC & Agencies

Unknown gunmen kidnapped a Spanish aid worker in Khan
Younis Monday, according to PA officials. The officials also reported
that the man was forced into a yellow Skoda on the outskirts of Khan
Younis town in central Gaza Strip.

The man, identified as Roberto Vila, 34, was leaving Khan Younis with coworker Celine Gagne, who said they had just visited a project for handicapped children when several men armed with Kalashnikov rifles stopped them. Gagne said they told her to stay where she was while they forced Vila into their car and took off.

Vilo worked for a Spanish charity group called Cooperation Assembly for Peace. This incident is the second time a foreigner has been abducted in two weeks. Last week, Palestinian gunman abducted an AP photographer, but released him 16 hours later.