As the Israeli army continued its large military offensive in Qalqilia
town, in the northern part of the West Bank, one Palestinian youth
was killed, while the number of injuries arrived to 31 as the military
offensive is ongoing. At least three residents were taken prisoner.

The resident killed during the military invasion was identified as Tareq Ziad Taha, 17, the Palestinian News Agency, WAFA, reported.

Taha was injured in his spine and died of his wounds later on.

The military offensive is concentrated in the eastern neighborhood of Qalqilia as the army claims that resistance fighters barricaded himself in one of the houses.

Dozens of youth hurled stones and empty bottles at the invading forces who randomly fired round of live ammunition at them.

Resident Taha was killed in the clashed; at least 31 residents were injured, two seriously and six suffered moderate wounds.  

Twenty-five Palestinians injured in Qalqilia, three taken prisoner
Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies, 22:45

Palestinian sources in Qalqilia town, in the northern part of the West
Bank, reported that twenty-five Palestinians were injured on Friday
evening during clashes that erupted after the army surrounded a house
of a Hamas activist, south of the town. Six residents, including three
brothers were taken prisoner by the army.

The sources stated that a large military force invaded the town and surrounded the house of Mohammad Al Samman. Fighters of the Al Qassam brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, exchanged fire with the invading forces.

After breaking into the house of Al Samman, soldiers could not find him home and took three of his brothers prisoner. The three were identified as Dr. Ali, Abdul-Rahim and Samman Samman. The army took the three brothers prisoner in order to pressure their brother to hand himself in to the army.

Dozens of residents clashed with the invading forces who fired rounds of live ammunition at them, at least twenty residents were injured, two seriously.

Palestinian medical sources at Al Aqsa Hospital reported that three of the injured residents are in serious conditions. Among the injured a 14-year old child, identified as Mahmoud Thiab.

Some of the injured residents were transferred to hospital in the West Bank city of Nablus.

The invasion is ongoing in the town, three more residents were taken prisoner and were moved to an unknown destination.

The invasion to Qalqilia is considered the largest carried by the army since several months.       

The Palestinian News agency, WAFA, reported that two tanks and several armored vehicles were seen invading the town to reinforce the troops operating there.

The army is currently surrounding a house in the town while military bulldozers are demolishing parts of it.