Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli Minister of the so-called “Strategic
Threats” said that Israeli must repossess the Rafah Border Crossing and
the Philadelphi Route in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. Lieberman
also said that president Mahmoud Abbas is irrelevant and the the Road
Map peace plan will only worsen the situation. He also called for
“sending Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders to heaven”.

In an Interview with the Israeli Radio, Lieberman stated that the suggestion of Shimon Peres to hold talks with moderate Palestinians is “unwise and irresponsible”, adding that there is no benefit of new peace initiatives with the Palestinians.

“The Palestinians are not interested in peace”, Lieberman claimed, “They just want global Jihad”.

Lieberman also called for targeting the leaders of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, and said that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is irrelevant and powerless.

“Israel must ignore Abbas and topple his government”, Lieberman said, “We should not repeat the mistakes of Oslo, or the Road Map peace plan”

Lieberman believes that Israel should focus on a “dependable partner”, which is Jordan, and officially declare Abbas as irrelevant.

Regarding the occupied West Bank, Lieberman said that a solution should be found in cooperation with Jordan.

 Lieberman is known for his positions that encourage expelling the Palestinians from the West Bank, and even expelling the Arab residents of Israel.

Also, Lieberman said that Israeli must assassinate all of the leaders of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.

“We should give them one-way ticket to heaven”, Lieberman said, “”They all must disappear, go to heaven, there is no room for compromise on this issue”.