Palestinian medical and security sources in the Gaza Strip reported
that Abdul-Aziz Shahin “Abu Ali”, member of the Fateh Revolutionary
Council, was shot an injured in his leg after unknown gunmen  who
opened fire at him, in Gaza City.

Eyewitnesses reported that the gunmen opened fire at the Fateh leader after he participated in a Radio Program with Voice of Freedom radio station in Gaza City.

Medical sources in Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza reported that Abu Ali suffered moderate wounds in his right leg.

Mohammad Abu Shabab, the host of the radio show said that Abu Ali concentrated in the interview on the efforts to form a National Unity Government, and that he called on Fateh and Hamas to overcome their internal conflicts.

Tawfiq Abu Khousa, Fateh media spokesperson said that the attack  “is a cowardly crime that must be punished”. 

Abu Khousa added the assailants intend to inflame internal conflicts among the Palestinian and drag them into a new cycle of violence.

He also that Fateh movement does not accuse any party of the attack.