Israeli soldiers shot and killed on Wednesday at night one fighter of
the Al Quds brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad in Jenin. A
senior leader of the brigades was shot and injured in the attack.
Israeli military sources confirmed the attack.

The sources added that soldiers spotted the two fighters and opened fire at them.

Local sources in Jenin reported that the fighter was killed by under-cover forces of the Israeli army operating in the Jenin refugee camp, in the northern West Bank city of city of Jenin.

The sources added that a Dovadim under-covered military unit ambushed Amro Al damj, 24, and shot him dead.

The other fighter, Ahsraf Al sa'ady was injured in the attack; He suffered wounds in his arm and head, and managed to flee.

Earlier on Wednesday, one resident was taken prisoner from the West Bank city of Jenin after the army invaded the city and its refugee camp; five residents were injured.

Local youth hurled stones at the soldiers who fired rounds of  live ammunition, sound bombs and tear gas at the youth, injuring five, medical sources in the city reported.

Soldiers broke into dozens of houses, and searched them.

 During the search Israeli forces took Firass Mir'eb, 20, prisoner after searching and ransacking his family's house.