This Friday in Bil'in, some 250 Palestinians and 50 Israeli and
international peace activists carried the weekly protest against the
Israeli annexation Wall in Bil'in village, near the West Bank city of
Ramallah. Eight residents, one Israeli reporter and one international
peace activists were injured after the soldiers attacked the protesters
and one resident was taken prisoner.

The protesters demanded free access to the isolated orchards so that the residents can plant and take care of their lands that became totally isolated behind the Wall.

The protesters brought a tractor, seeds, ploughs and carried posters stating that the land is for those who plant it and not for those who annex it.

They also chanted slogans against the Israeli attacks, the Wall and settlement construction and expansion.

The army placed barbed-wires in an attempt to stop the protesters from reaching the isolated orchards were the annexation Wall is being constructed on the Palestinian lands.

Abdullah Abu Rahma, coordinator of the Popular Committee Against the Wall, told the IMEMC that soldiers ambushed the protesters between the trees, and as the marchers advanced, soldiers fired rubber-coated bullets and gas cannisters at them.

Eight protesters, including a child, one Israeli journalist and one international supporter were injured, Abu Rahma stated.

The injured protesters were identified as;

1. Amjad Ayed Abu Rahma, 12.
2. Khaled Shawkat Al Khateeb.
3. Eyad Bornat.
4. Kayid Abu Rahma.
5. Ali Saif.
6. Hussein Mohamamd Hassan.
7. Ashraf, from Jenin city.
8. Mohammad Ahmad Issa.
9. Tamir, an Israeli reported.
10. Lina, a Swedish peace activist.

One resident, identified as Ayed Abdul-Rahman Sa'id, was taken prisoner when he tried to enter the isolated orchards.

Abu Rahma told the IMEMC that the Israeli army is violently attacking the peaceful protests against the Wall and settlements in an attempt to stop these protests and go on with the contractions of the Wall that isolates the Palestinian orchards and residents, and the expansion of settlements.