Israeli Prime Minster, Ehud Olmert, stated on Monday that ceasefire is practical level that could create a suitable environment for negotiations with the Palestinians and possible talks on a final settlement to the conflict.


Olmert added that troops were instructed not to retaliate to homemade shells fired from the Gaza Strip at Israel areas.

The Israeli army reported that nine homemade shells were fired on Sunday at Israeli areas adjacent to the Gaza strip; all of the shells landed in open areas, except one shell that hit the Negev town of Sderot causing excessive damage, Israeli sources reported.

Meanwhile, Voice of Palestine Radio reported on Monday that Olmert, President Mahmoud Abbas, and U.S Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice would meet in a summit soon.

The American president, George W. Bush, and Condoleezza Rice are slated to arrive in Jordan on Wednesday to participate in a conference on Democracy and Development called by king Abdullah.

Rice and Bush also intend to meet the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nour Ed Deen Al Maliky in Jordan.

Also, the Palestinian Radio reported that the UK proposed to Israel and the Palestinian Authority to send U.K observers to be deployed in the Gaza Strip in order to ensure the implementation of the truce.

The Radio added that the Bader brigades, armed forces of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, based in Jordan, may be sent to the Gaza Strip to enforce the truce.

In spite of the declared ceasefire by the Palestinian factions, Israeli troops shot and killed one fighter and one woman near the West Bank city of Jenin. The two were killed after the army invaded Qabatia town.