Residents of Bil'in village, near the West Bank city of Ramallah,
accompanied by Israeli and international peace activists held the
weekly nonviolent protest against the Israeli Annexation Wall and the
isolation of the Palestinian orchards. The protesters also marked the
Partitioning Day of Palestine and protested the Israeli policies of
annexing the Palestinian lands.

Palestinian Legislator Moheeb Awwad, and Sa'eb Nassar, deputy of Ramallah Governor participated in the event.

Abdullah Abu Rahma, coordinator of the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil'in told the IMEMC that the protesters carried a 6 x 2 meters banner that had four maps of Palestine; one map of Palestine before 1947, one after 1948, one after 1967 war and the last one showing Palestine now, isolated by the Wall and settlements.

The banner also had 2006, 2007 written on it with a question mark after 2007 to symbolize the uncertainty of the future of the Palestinian people facing the continuous Israel policies of annexation, land grab and isolation.

Abu Rahma added that the residents have been trying to access their orchards to plant them since three weeks, but the army barred them from driving their tractors and other heavy tools into their orchards which threatens the agricultural season for the villagers who depend on agriculture as their main source of livelihood. 

In spite of the repeated efforts, soldiers barred the residents and the Israeli and international activists from crossing to the isolated orchards.

Abu Rahma added that the protesters also carried posters slamming relations between some local councils and settlement councils, since these settlement are built on Palestinian private property annexed by Israel. Recently head of the Na'lin village council, west of Ramallah, was fired by the Palestinian government after meeting with settlers of a nearby settlement.

Na'lin mayor Mohammad Srour and his deputy Tha'er Amira, had to announce their resignation during Friday prayers two weeks ago.

The two officials submitted their resignation to the acting minister of local government, Wasfi Qabha, on Wednesday November 22. They met with settlers of the nearby settlement of Modi'in without consulting with the government, which violates the Hamas stance on meeting with Israeli officials.

The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) Media Office reported that as the protesters were marching in the village, troops occupied the house of Mohammad Ali Yassin, and fired gas bombs and rubber-coated bullets at them.

The family of Yassin was forced in one room as the army controlled their home.

Two residents identified as Mahdi Abdul-Mo'min Abu Rahma, and Ahsraf Al Ghateeb, and two Israeli peace activists identified as Jonathan Pollack and Nier Ariel, were injured.

One Israeli peace activist was violently attacked by the soldiers who badly injured him and detained him.

The ISM media office added that soldiers also attacked the activists with fists and batons, and that one activist had blood streaming down his face and received treatment medics on the scene, who wrapped bandage around his head.