Scores of Al Aroub refugee camp residents located near the southern
West Bank city of Hebron, suffocated after inhaling gas fired by the Israel during an invasion to the camp on Monday.

Israeli army vehicles invaded the refugee camp, while soldiers fired live rounds and tear gas into residents' houses causing several injuries.

Army vehicles damaged shops and cars during the operation, eyewitnesses reported.

Among the injured was Mohammad Arish, 80, Mustafa Abu Warda, 50, and Salah Al Titi, 47; all  of the injured were moved to a nearby hospital, medical sources reported.

Residents said that the army used a yellow tearr gas that stays active for several hours after being fired, leaves marks on the body and objects it comes in contact with.

The residents added that soldiers invaded the camp without any apparent reason and fired this new tear gas at residents' houses.

Soldiers also attacked several shops in the camp while searching them and  deliberately destroyed some  of their properties, shop owners reported.

The army left the camp after causing scores of injuries and damage in property, while Israeli army source calimed that troops were searching for "Wanted Palestinians".