Member of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation
Organization (PLO), Yasser Abed-Rabbo, was appointed on Sunday as the
Secretary General of the PLO.

Sources at the Executive Committee reported that Abed-Rabbo will also be in charge of reactivating the role of the PLO and will be in charge of directing its activities.

The sources stated that additional committees will be formed within weeks, and will be in charge of preparing reports regarding the PLO.

The PLO negotiation committee will be headed by the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, while Zuhdi Al Nashasheeby will be the head of the PLO Financial Committee, and Taiseer Khalid will head the National Dialogue Committee and the preparation for the Cairo internal dialogue between the Palestinian factions.

Abbas was the Secretary General of the PLO Executive Committee after the death of the late Palestinian President, Yasser Arafat, and resigned from his post after he was elected President in 2005.