Israeli forces attacked a barber shop and assaulted three men who were inside the shop on Monday morning.  The attack occurred during an Israeli military invasion of Yatta village, south of the West Bank city of Hebron.

Brothers Yousif, 32, Ala, 20, and Yousif, 29, Abu Samra, were beaten up badly by the soldiers when the soldiers attacked their barber shop and their family home, which is attached to their shop, eyewitnesses reported.

Soldiers searched and ransacked the shop and caused  damage to equipment and infrastructure, according to family members of the three men.

Israeli military spokespeople reported that the invasion of Yatta, and the attack on the barbershop, was meant to 'track down Wanted men'.  The army keeps a continually-expanding list of men they deem 'Wanted' men, who are tracked down and abducted into Israeli detention centers.  Most are never charged with any crime.

The Abu Samra brothers were not taken prisoner by the Israeli military, as they were not on the  'Wanted' list.  But their business was destroyed and the three are now receiving treatment for injuries received from being beaten by the invading soldiers.