The Islamic Jihad movement said that the Israeli army is waging war against its members and leaders as the army killed several members and took prisoner at least 50 fighters in recent months in Hebron alone.

A senior official of the movement, talking on condition of anonymity, told the Palestine News Network that soldiers killed and took prisoner a large number of the movement’s members and fighters especially in the West Bank.

The official added that the movement will not remain idle in facing these continuous attacks and military escalation.

At least 50 Islamic Jihad members and fighters were taken prisoner in Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank.

One of the fighters taken prisoner by the army is identified as Hani Rajoub, from Doura town near Hebron. Two other fighters were taken prisoner along with Rajoub.

Israeli military sources reported that the two are from Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank, and identified them as Mohammad and Yousef Al Faqeeh.

The source claimed that the two came to Hebron to meet Rajoub and prepare for attacks against Israeli targets.

According to the army, the three recruited seven Islamic Jihad fighters to carry suicide bombings in Israel.

The Islamic Jihad movement said that Israel is carrying attacks against the movement in order to weaken it, and that the Israeli claims are false.