After the shooting attack that targeted the convoy of Palestinian Prime
Minister, Ismail Haniyya, from the Hamas movement, shortly after he was
allowed back in the Gaza Strip, the movement accused Fateh legislator
Mohammad Dahlan, and members of the presidential security forces at the
Rafah Border Crossing of attempting to assassinate Haniyya.

Hamas media spokesperson, Ismail Radwan, said in a press release in Gaza that Haniyya survived an assassination attempt carried “by a spiteful group led by Mohammad Dahlan who prepared and planned this attack”, according to Radwan. 

Radwan added that the government will chase this group, which planned its attacks through members of the residential guards and fired at the convoy of Haniyya, according to him.

Radwan demanded president Mahmoud Abbas to uncover the plot and withdraw the presidential guards from the Rafah Crossing and the streets. 

“They are not fit to protect the people”, Radwan stated, “They fired at the Prime Minister, and the Palestinian people”.

Meanwhile, Hamas legislator Mosheer Al Masry demanded that Dahlan should be prosecuted “for the crimes he committed since he is the leaders of the coup and launched war against the government”, according to Al Masry.

One of Haniyya's companions was killed in the attack carried by unknown gunmen last night, while Abdul-Salam, the son of Haniyya and Haniyya's political advisor Ahmad Yousef were injured. The slain companion was identified as Abdul-Rahman Nassar.

Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, and several Fateh leaders slammed the attack against Haniyya. Abbas said that he will personally follow the development regarding this issue in order to expose and apprehend the assailants.