The Palestinian Center For Human Rights in Gaza published its weekly
report on the Israeli violations in the occupied Palestinian
territories. Nine Palestinians, including one child, were killed, and
twelve, including seven children, were injured. The period of this report is  December
14 – December 20.

The center also reported that Israel continued the construction of the illegal annexation Wall in the occupied West Bank. 

The PCHR stated in its report that the army continued its “Systematic Attack” on Palestinian civilians and their property.

Summary of PCHR report:

Nine Palestinian civilians, including one child, were killed by Israeli military fire. Four of the victims were extra-judicially executed.
Israeli troops carried out 30 invasions into Palestinian cities, villages and refugee camps and took prisoner of 32 residents including three children.

The Gaza Strip remained isolated by the army as the crossings remained closed, while in the West Bank, soldiers installed additional checkpoints; five residents including one child, were taken prisoner on these checkpoints.

The siege Israel is imposing on the West Bank remained in place, while Jerusalem continued to be off-limits to the Palestinian residents living in the West Bank, and around the Holy City.

The PCHR reported that as the army continued to construct the Wall inside the West Bank, more Palestinian farmland and orchards wee razed especially near Avni Hevetz settlement, east of the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem.

Troops annexed 144.6 Dunams of agricultural land for the purpose of the construction of a new section of the Wall.

The Israeli High Court of Justice also rejected on December 13 a petition against the route of the Wall in al-Rama and Dahiat al-Barid areas, north of East Jerusalem.

The court said in its ruling that the Wall “does not affect Palestinian civilians in that area”.

In a step towards enhancing the Advisory Opinion issued by the International Court of Justice on 9 July 2004, which considers the Annexation Wall illegal, the UN General Assembly endorsed on Friday, 16 December 2006, by an overwhelming majority of votes, in favor a resolution to establish a UN registry to handle Palestinian claims of damages resulting from the construction of the Wall in the West Bank.

The Israeli violations since June 25, 2006 have claimed the lives of 483 residents, 306 of them were civilians including 92 children and 30 women.

At least 1628 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 345 children, 110 women, in the Gaza Strip alone. 1275 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 345 children, 104 women, 4 paramedics and 7 journalists, have been wounded by the IOF gunfire.

For Full PCHR report click here