Palestinian sources reported on Monday that the Israeli Prison
authorities deported a Palestinian detainee from Jenin, in the northern
part of the West Bank, to the Gaza Strip.

The detainee, Abdullah Yassin, 35, was imprisoned at the Negev detention facility without trial or charges for six months, before the Israeli Prison Authorities decided to deport him to Gaza,

Several Palestinian organizations slammed the Israeli decision and called for the return of Yassin to his home especially since he was not charged by the Israeli prosecution. 

Yassin was previously imprisoned for seven consecutive years for membership in Fateh movement.

Israeli started using the deportation policy from the West Bank to Gaza after the breakout of the Al Aqsa Intifada late September 2000.

Dozens of Palestinian were deported to several countries around the globe since Israeli occupied the Palestinian territories and the East of Jerusalem in 1967.