Palestinian sources reported that the Israeli army has abducted at least
17 Palestinian men from several parts of the West Bank in pre dawn
invasions on Wednesday morning.

In the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem, the Israeli army invaded Al Khadier village, south of the city, and Aida refugee camp in the city.  Two men were abducted during the attack.

Israeli troops surrounded the house of Ahmad Abu Hadu, 17, in Aida Refugee camp.  They searched and ransacked it, then took Hadu to an unknown detention camp, his family reported.  Also troops attacked other houses in the camp and took Mohamed Al Radi, 17, and Mahmod Harz-Allah, 16, as prisoners. Farhan Rashidah, 21, was abducted when Israeli troops attacked residents' houses in the nearby Al Rashidah village.

In the meantime another Israeli force attacked and searched residents' houses in Al Khadier village south of Bethlehem city.  Before leaving, soldiers abducted Ali Salah, 19.  Hhis father said that soldiers surrounded the house, forced the family into one room, searched the house, took his son, and left.  The army gave no reason for their action, the father added.

Moreover also in the southern West Bank, in the city of Hebron, Israeli forces attacked residents' houses, searched them, and abducted four Palestinian men from the city while another two were taken from Yatta and Ithna villages south of Hebron. Local sources identified the six detained as: Fadile Abu I'ram, 39, from Yatta village; Arafat Al Natah, 27, from Ithna village; and Othman Al Qumiri, 30, Mu'aied Al Muhtasep, 21, Mohmaed Fanunah, 39, and Anas Laban, 26, all from Hebron city.

Four Palestinian men were abducted by the Israeli army in the northern West Bank city of Nablus during a pre-dawn invasion to the city.

Local sources identified the four as Khalil Khalil Abu Ja'ssa, 20, Mohamed Abd Al Hak, 22, Mohamed Khalbus, 18, and Ahmad Abu Salha, 22.  All were moved to unknown detention camps. More that 20 Israeli military vehicles entered the city.  They surrounded the town of Nablus, searched houses, took the four men, and left the city, eyewitnesses reported.

Kamal Saleh and Mohamed Wathik, both from the village of Al Araka, southwest of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, were abducted by the Israeli army during an invasion to the village on Wednesday at dawn. Residents reported that soldiers stormed the village, attacked scores of residents' houses, then took the two to an unknown destination.

Israeli army spokesperson told Israeli media that those abductions on Wednesday in the West Bank were of men whom the army calls "Wanted Palestinians".