A group of unknown gunmen opened fire and killed a member of Al Aqsa
brigades the armed wing of Fatah movement, in Beit Lahiyia town in the
northern part of the Gaza strip on Wednesday afternoon.

Dr. Mou'awiah Hassanin, the director of the emergency department in the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that Ala Abu Al Nasser, 22, was admitted into the Kamal Adawan hospital in Beit Lahiyia were he was pronounced dead due to direct hit with a live round in the head.  The body was moved to the forensic department of Al Shifa hospital in Gaza city for further examination.

Eyewitnesses said that Al Nasser was on top of his friend's house when he was targeted by a group of masked gunmen who shot him and fled the scene, no Palestinian armed group have claimed responsibility for the attack.