Israeli forces abducted at least 10 Palestinians including four children, during invasions of the city of Hebron and neighboring villages in the southern part of the West Bank, on Thursday.

Israeli forces abducted at least 10 Palestinians including four children, during invasions of the city of Hebron and neighboring villages in the southern part of the West Bank, on Thursday.

Soldiers attacked and searched houses. Families' belongings were ransacked and destroyed, eyewitnesses and families' members reported.  

In Hebron city troops abducted, Fathi Amro, 56, director general of the holy sites ministry office in the city, Jad-Allah Al Rijup, 48, Mohamed Kharuf, 42, Adel Shakir, 53, and Fahid Abu Sininah, 20. In the meantime Israeli soldiers abducted four children from the village of Sa'er east of Hebron, they were identified as; Thafer Al Fruch, 12, Ayman Al Mutawar, 12, Firas Al Fruch, 13, Bilal Al Mutawar, 14.  

Mohamed Al Takhman, 35, was abducted by the Israeli troops that attacked his house in Al Thahria, a town south of Hebron. With those 10 abductions, the number of Palestinians abducted by the Israeli army has increased to 22, by the time of this report. 12 were abducted from Qalqilia, Tubass, in the northern part of the West Bank and Bethlehem south.