Hamas accused on Thursday, MP and fatah Leader Mohammad Dahlan of foiling the prisoners’ swap deal between Palestinian resistance groups and Israel which was about to be reached, said the Palestine Information Center.Hamas accused MP and fateh Leader Mohammad Dahlan of foiling the prisoners’ swap deal between Palestinian resistance groups and Israel which was about to be reached, on Thursday said the Palestine Information Center.

A Hamas political leader in the Gaza Strip said that Dahlan promised Israeli leaders that he will find the captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit who has been and held since June 25, 2006.

In a televised speech, Osama Al-Muzaini, charged that Dahalan said he will intensify his “intelligence efforts” in the strip and find Shalit, which, according to Hamas’ claims urged Israeli officials to rescind their approval of the initiative mediated by Egyptian intelligence chief, Omar Suleiman.

The deal was about to be reached as it was very close to the demands of the three groups holding the captured soldier.

Meanwhile, Mohammed Nazzal, Hamas’ politburo member said that the prisoner swap deal should not be harmed because of factional disputes.

He said that all Palestinian factions should be working for the release of all prisoners from occupation jails regardless of their affiliations.

According the PIC Nazzal described the reports as a \\\\\\"sham.\\\\\\" Dahlan and even the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas contacted Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to foil the deal or to lessen the number of released prisoners so as not be recorded as an achievement for Hamas.

This is not the first time that Hamas has accused Dahlan of conspiring against Hamas. Earlier in December 2006, Hamas accused Dahlan of being behind an alleged assassination attempt which targeted the Palestinian Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh, upon his return from a visit to some Arab and Islamic countries in bid to collect funds to support the damaged Palestinian economy.