Chief of Arab States League, Amr Mussa, stated Friday that a number of 1991 Madrid Peace Conference members welcomed the initiative to hold a similar world peace conference on Middle East peace.

Before heading for Algeria to attend a special ceremony on the would-be cultural Arab capital, Mussa told reporters that any Middle East peace conference should be held under the auspices of the United Nations not any single country. Mussa earlier stressed that solving the question of Palestine on the basis of international justice would help tackle other regional concerns.

He also called for holding an international conference on the Middle East in order to revive the peace process. He emphasized that timing and goals of such a conference should be predetermined. In the meantime the King of Jordan, Abdullah II, called on Washington to work on restarting the Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations. This all before Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice’s trip to the Middle East on Friday. Italy had proposed holding an international conference on Middle East peace as well, similar to that held in Madrid in 1991, in which concerned parties laid the foundations for regional peace.