A measure banning Palestinians from uniting with their spouses, children or parents inside Israel was extended for another three months on Monday evening, despite opposition from a number of Israeli legislators.Israeli Knesset member Zahava Gal-On told the Israeli daily Ha’aretz, "This order is a disgrace that shames the law books. It is a racist and illegal law which contravenes the Equality Law”, adding that ‘security concerns’ are being used as an excuse to violate citizens’ rights.


The extension on the ban was recommended by Israeli Interior Minister Ronni Bar-On, who said the extension was necessitated by security concerns, without mentioning what those concerns consisted of.


Knesset Member Avshalom Vilan said "this order reflects discrimination, which the Knesset of the Jewish state must not allow."


The ban on family reunification prevents Palestinians with relatives living inside Israel from living with or even visiting their relatives – even their spouses or children.  The order has been extended five times since it was originally introduced as an emergency security measure in 2002.