Abeer Aramin was hit in the head by an Israeli Forces gas bomb as she left her school in Jerusalem on Tuesday morning;she was declared clinically dead in hospital this morning.

Abeer Aramin was injured by the gas bomb that was shot at the back of her head. She had just stepped out of the Anata School for Girls in Jerusalem for a break after taking a test when the incident occured and she was knocked to the ground.

She was pronounced clinically dead in intensive care in Haddassah Hospital this morning. 

Israeli forces in Jerusalem had penetrated the town and began opening fire while detonating gas and sound bombs. Some young people responded with stones.

Abeer's father, Bassam Aramin, said, “I contacted the school administration while I was on my way to work and they told me that my daughter had been knocked to the ground and suffered a head injury. I thought it was just something simple. I contacted her mother and asked if she could go to the school and check it.

But over the telephone I learned that the soldiers had done it and that Abeer had been rushed to Makassed Hospital. During her first examination we learned that her skull had been fractured and that she had bleeding in her brain. She was initially treated and then we rushed her to Hadassah Hospital, Ein Karim Branch, in order to follow up the situation which was described in both hospitals as serious".

Abeer was lying in intensive care and was in a critical condition. She underwent brain surgery at 9:00 pm on Tuesday as her health deteriorated. Despite attempts to revive her Abeer was declared clinically dead this morning, and is currently on respiratory equipment. IMEMC sources in Jerusalem reported that her parents intend to turn off all machinery within the next few hours to give their daughter a peaceful death. 

Abeer's father works for the Jerusalem Society for Democracy and Dialogue and said, “I work in peace organizations and want to appeal to the entire world that what we want is a just and honorable peace.

Bassam Aramin had some words for the Israeli government. “The victims among the Palestinian people are no less important than Israeli people. We are all human beings.”

He called on Israeli mothers to not be “tools of the occupation by sending their children to the battlefield without reason.”  Aramin explained, “My daughter is a victim of a systematic oppressive policy and the Israelis must end the occupation and say yes to peace.”

The Director of the Anata School for Girls said on Wednesday that she regrets what happened to Abeer Aramin. “What happened yesterday is a deliberate and provocative exercise that has been practiced by border guards since the beginning of exams at the end of the first quarter, and is targeted at students in all of the Anata Secondary schools.” She added, “The border guards are present daily at the doors of the Anata School for Boys and that for girls, and around Saladin Street where they know the kids must pass to reach buses or to walk home".

She added,"they provoke the students by throwing grenades at them". The school director appealed for international protection for Palestinian school students.