A massive Israeli force invaded the northern West Bank city of Nablus on Wednesday morning. They killed one Palestinian fighter and injured three residents, including one child, and abducted another four men.  

Palestinian sources in the city reported that Muhanid Al Ghandur, 22, resistance fighter of Fatah, was killed when an Israeli sharpshooter fired and hit him in the head.  

Dr. Ghassan Hamdan, the director of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society in Nablus said that Al Ghandur was hit with several rounds in his head, abdomen and legs and bled to death. He was retrieved by the PMRS medical teams and moved to Rafidia hospital in the city of Nablus Dr. Hamdan added.  

Israeli armored vehicles and bulldozers stormed the city from several directions, eyewitnesses in Nablus said, then all the forces surrounded the downtown and old city areas.  

Clashes errupted between the invading Israeli forces and the local youth and resistance fighters. Three residents were also injured during the invasion, among them was one child  who was identified by medical sources as Mohamed Abu Salha, aged 15. The sources added that he sustained critical wounds to the head.  

Soldiers are still in the city searching and ransacking residents' homes, eyewitnesses say that Israeli troops have abducted four Palestinian men at the time of the relaese of this report.