Israeli troops invaded the West Bank city of Hebron and the nearby village of Yatta on Tuesday morning, took one resident prisoner and installed roadblocks.

The Israeli army invaded the West Bank city of Hebron on Tuesday at dawn and abducted one resident.

Eyewitnesses said that troops invaded the city backed-up by army jeeps and abducted Fadi Bajes Al Jaa'bari, 29, after breaking into his home in Namirah neighborhood.   

Witnesses added that he was taken to an unknown location. In a separate incident, Israeli trops invaded the West Bank town of Yatta, south of Hebron, installed several temporary roadblocks and stopped several vehicles and residents at them.  

Local sources in the town reported that several Israeli armored vehicles invaded a number of the neighborhoods in the town. Among them were the Al Shaabeen, Al Shwaheen and Al Karaj areas in the town centre. The Israeli forces installed several temporary roadblocks, at which they stopped vehicles and residents and searched them thoroughly. No abductions were reported.