Six Palestinian residents have been killed and dozens others wounded during ongoing infighting between Hamas and Fatah supporters in northern Gaza Strip, Palestinian media reports said. Six Palestinian residents have been killed and dozens others wounded during ongoing infighting between Hamas and Fatah supporters in northern Gaza Strip, Palestinian media reports said.

On Friday afternoon, three Fattah people including Nabil Jibril , an Al-aqsa brigades member, an offshoot of Fatah, and several others were injured during infighting that has been concentrated in the Zemo junction, in northeastern Jabalaya.

Witnesses told IMEMC that scores of militants from Hamas and Fatah have traded gun fire and bombs throwing at the vicinity of Zemo junction.

Mohhamd Alkhaldi, a resident of Zemo neighborhood said : ”We are huddled at home and from time to time, since the early hours of Friday, we hear loud explosions and live ammunition shooting nearby. The situation is so miserable as ambulances and medical crews are unable to reach the shooting area, where large number of the executive force are besieging the house of Fatah Al-Aqsa Brigades leader, Mas’oud Shalayel”.

The renewed infighting broke out yesterday in northern Gaza after members of the executive force, belonging to the interior ministry, besieged the houses of two Fatah members in Jabalya refugee camp. Shootouts caused injury of four at least.

Later on Thursday, an executive force jeep was exploded by a roadside bomb in northern Gaza, killing one member and wounding six others including two critically.

The infighting has broken out amidst preparations for national unity government talks next Sunday. Infighting, since Hamas has taken power last year, has claimed lives of at least 350 Palestinians including women and children.