Dozens of Palestinian political leaders and activists from different Palestinian factions took to the streets on Sunday to protest against the ongoing internal clashes between Fateh and Hamas gunmen. They demanded an end to the ongoing clashes that have claimed the lives of several innocent civilians, and many members of the two movements.The protesters slammed the ongoing clashes and demanded every side to take its responsibilities in stopping the violence.


Secretary-general of the Palestinian People Party, Palestinian legislator, Bassam Salhi, said that the political factions cannot be held responsible for the clashes, but they can afford initiatives that could end the ongoing violence.


Salhi added that there are talks between the factions to stop the violence and to motivate the people to protest against insecurity and chaos, in order to maintain law and order.


He also said that Fateh and Hamas can stop the clashes, and that the two movements must end the current chaos, especially after the platform of the government’s agenda had been reached.


Member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Qais Abu Laila, said that the current violence is a result of a power-struggle between two movements, adding that the rest of the factions are also to be held responsible for their failure in creating a parallel power which could be the factor that could create a new balance for the current political system that is totally dominated by Hamas and Fateh.


Abu Laila called on the Palestinian factions to be more effective and active among the people in order to prevent the civil war.


Member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Kayid Al Ghoul, said that the political factions can impose political pressure and must act among the people in order to create a popular act that pressures Hamas and Fateh to stop the clashes.  


Al Ghoul warned that if the political factions fail to end the violence, the chances of further clashes are more likely to increase.


Islamic Jihad leader, Azzam Al Ahmad, said that the current clashes are caused by political differences between Fateh and Hamas, and that these differences created tension on the ground among the members of Fateh and Hamas.


He also said that the factions cannot be held responsible for the tension saying that these factions conducted utmost efforts and held talks between leaders of Fateh and Hamas, talks to Egyptian deliigates and with the follow-up committees.


Al Ahmad added that the political and economical siege imposed by Israel, Europe and the United States created further tension among the people.  


Secretary-general of Fida party, Ra’fat Al Amin, said that the political factions are not involved in the armed clashes and cannot be held responsible since they attempted and continue to attempt to stop the clashes.


The factions, Al Amin added, succeeded in achieving agreements between Fateh and Hamas and held meetings with leaders of both movements.


He also said that the Follow-up Committee called for the dismantling of the Hamas-formed Executive Force, and considered it illegal. The Committee suggested merging the force in the existing security forces.


Ra’fat called for the resumption of internal talks between the factions, withdrawing all of the gunmen from the streets, and collecting the weapons.


Ra’fat added that it is not enough to condemn the clashes, and that all armed militias and groups should be taken off the streets and disarmed.


Awni Abu Ghousha, member of the Political Bureau of the Popular Struggle Front, said that the differences between Fateh and Hamas are ideological as Hamas is trying to implement an Islamic Law in Palestine, while Fateh had been trying to create a national stream.


Abu Ghousha added that the political factions should have attempted to present solutions to the conflict before it sharply deteriorated.  


Baher Assaf, from the Liberation Party, accused the “West” and external powers of creating the current conflict.


He added that the “West” is feeding this internal tension in an attempt to cause further deterioration in the Palestinian territories.