The Israeli Peace Now movement reported that constructions in illegal settlement outposts on Palestinian-owned land in the occupied West Bank continued, as four out of six illegal outposts have expanded. The Israeli Peace Now movement reported that constructions in illegal settlement outposts on Palestinian-owned land in the occupied West Bank continued, as four out of six illegal outposts have expanded.

The movement reported that the six outposts were supposed to be evacuated, but the settlers resumed the construction in them.

One of the outposts is Givat Asaf; the settlers brought another caravan and added it to the outpost and constructed one house.

In Ramat Gilad illegal outpost, the settlers brought one caravan and expanded existing constructions.

In Lackhish illegal outpost, the settlers added a new caravan, and constructed one house in Mitzpe Yithar outpost.

The information presented by Peace Now was supported by aerial photos of the outposts taken in the last few days and compared with photos taken several months ago.

Dror Etkes, director of Peace Now's Settlement Watch effort team said that the Israeli government is incapable of fulfilling its obligations, even in these six illegal outposts. The team considered this issue as a failure on the government’s side in enforcing the law, and a failure of the security services.  

Israeli Defense Minister, Amir Peretz, was supposed to hold a meeting several days ago with leaders of the Settlement Council in order to discuss the issue of illegal settlement outposts in the occupied West Bank. However, the meeting was cancelled after the settlers informed Peretz that they do not want to meet with him in order to discuss the issue of outposts.

Moreover, Yariv Oppenheimer, Peace Now General Director, stated last week that the Defense Minister must respond to the illegal acts commited by the settlers, and must prevent them form illegally overtaking Palestinian lands.