According to an Israeli media source 21 Palestinians were arrested during the night of Tuesday and the early hours of Wednesday throughout the West Bank.     According to Palestinian media sources a witness from the northern West Bank city of Nablus stated that a large numbers of Israeli troops entered the city, broke into houses and abducted eight citizens.They were taken to an unknown location. Meanwhile, Isreali media reports that ten people were arrested in this area. Israeli forces also stormed the northern West Bank city of Jenin and entered Berqin village, Palestinian media sources say. Troops searched houses before abducting nine civilians and taking them to an unknown location. Palestinian sources added that four other citizens, including two security members, were also abducted by Israeli soldiers who had stormed the city of Jenin at dawn on Wednesday. According to Israeli media, only one Palestinian was arrested in Jenin overnight; four Palestinians were abducted near Ramallah, three were detained in Bethlehem and three Palestinian resistance fighters were abducted in the Hebron area.