Russia officially welcomed on Friday that agreement reached between Fateh and Hamas factions to form a National Unity Government, and called for lifting the international embargo imposed on the Palestinian Authority (P.A).Russia also said that the coalition agreement to form a unity government is considered am important step towards reviving the stalled peace process in the Middle-East, especially the Palestinian-Israeli track.


An official Russian statement stated that Russia believes that the implementation of the Mecca agreement between the Palestinian factions should be combined by lifting the international embargo imposed on the Palestinians, especially since the siege is causing suffering to the people on daily basis.


The Quartet Committee, which Russia is part of, repeated its demands on Friday and said that any Palestinian government must renounce violence, recognize Israel and respect the previously signed peace agreements.


The conditions were set by the Quartet as the only way to resume aid to the P.A following the victory of Hamas in last year’s general elections.  


The Quartet welcomed the efforts of Saudi Arabia and its King and the role the country played in reaching a Palestinian National Unity agreement.


The Quartet issued a statement stating that it will support any Palestinian government that recognizes Israel, accepts the previous peace deals, and to be committed to non-violence.


After the Palestinians signed the unity agreement, Israel initiated a wide campaign against it and claimed that the deal failed to meet Western conditions to end the sanctions imposed on the Palestinians.


But, the official Israeli response to the new Palestinian government will be released on Sunday after a cabinet meeting.


The U.S also said that the government must recognize Israel, the signed peace deals, and renounce violence.