The Hamas-led government would likely resign in 48 hours, ahead of forming the new unity government agreed by Palestinian factions in the Saudi Arabian city of Makkah, Palestinian sources said.

The sources expected that both Hamas and Fatah factions’ representatives would return home after having been agreed in Makkh to the national unity government last Thursday.

The agreement on unity government involves distribution of portfolios between the two factions and that the posts of interior ministry and the deputy-prime minister, will be taken by Fatah.

Fawzi Barhum, spokesman of Hamas, was quoted as saying that the Fatah movement has the freedom to nominate the person it deems and that Hamas hasn’t the right to object.

Barhum stressed that there should be a new fresh ground of Fatah-Hamas relations by forgetting the past, maintaining “ all parties appeared willing to advance the Palestinian people forward, a thing that has been proved by the Makkah deal”.

Despite likely Palestinian national unity government, the international community insists on three conditions to start dealing with such government; renouncing violence, recognizing Israel and accepting past signed agreements including the Road Map.