Several Palestinian detainees imprisoned by Israel signed affidavits stating that they were tortured, harshly beaten and abused by Israeli soldiers and interrogators in several Israeli detention facilities, the Palestinian News Agency, WAFA, reported.The affidavits were signed during meetings between the detainees and lawyers of the Palestinian Prisoner Society, PPS.

Detainee Ala’ Hamid, from Qalqilia in the northern part of the West Bank, reported that soldiers clubbed and kicked him as they were transferring him to Huwwara prison. The soldiers also reputedly hit him on his head.

Hamid added that he was also hit and clubbed when he was transferred from Huwwara and Al Jalama prison.

In Al Jalama prison, Hamid was tortured during interrogation, verbally abused and was threatened by the soldiers who told him that he will remain in solitary for a long period. One of the interrogators kept shaking Hamid’s head until he caused him a severe headache.  

Detainee Abdul-Nasser Sa’id from Nablus in the northern part of the West Bank, told PPS lawyers that he was taken prisoner at the Al Karama border crossing and was transferred to Al Jalama prison where he was confined to a solitary cell.

He stated that the conditions in Al Jamala are very difficult, and lacked the basic human needs. Solitary cells have no windows, are humid and have a continuous bad smell.

In Hasharon prison, a PPS lawyer met with detainee Bilal Riziq from Bethlehem, who complained of bad living conditions and high prices at the prison canteen.

Detainee Taha Abu Leil, from Nablus in the northern part of the West Bank, stated in his affidavit that he was shot by the Israeli under-cover forces five times in his back as he was standing in front of the Al Itihad Hospital in Nablus.

He was unconscious for twenty days, and when he regained consciousness he found himself handcuffed and tied to his hospital bed in Petah Tikva Israeli hospital.

He was later transferred to Al Ramleh prison hospital for an additional twenty days.

He is now in Hasharon prison, suffering continuous pain due to the fact that one bullet remains in his back; this is causing difficulties in moving his left leg. He also suffers from repeated bouts of dizziness.

PPS lawyers met with a number of detainees in Al Yamoun prison; the detainees complained of bad living conditions, bad food, and the lack of hot water in addition to the fact that they are barred from watching Arabic News channels.

The detainees appealed to human rights organizations to help them and expose the illegal Israeli practices against them.