The Palestinian National Information Center of the Palestinian Authority’s International Press center reported that since the outbreak of the Palestinian Intifada in September 2000, up until late January 2007, the Israeli army has killed 5050 Palestinian men, women and children, wounded 49760 others and detained 10,400 people.The report showed that 351 Palestinian women have been killed, 150 patients have died at checkpoints, and 66 others have been killed due to beatings by Israeli settlers. 36 others were members of medical teams, 9 others belonged to press, while 220 others were athletics.

According to the report, the number of Palestinians being detained by the Israeli army authorities has mounted to 10,400. This includes 553 detained prior to the outbreak of the Intifada.
1150 of the detainees are suffering from chronic diseases, 1175 are students, 330 are under the age of 18.106 are teachers and 118 are female prisoners.

The report also highlighted the amount of damage inflicted on Palestinian public buildings up until July 31st 2006. It states that 645 civil and security installations have been damaged, 72437 houses have been partially or completely damaged, including 30871 completely and 4785 partially in the Gaza Strip alone up until October 31st, 2006.

The number of schools and universities sealed off by the Israeli authorities up until August 8th 2006 reached 12, while the working hours of 1125 others have been blocked, the report pointed out.

The number of educational facilities that have been shelled by the Israeli army has mounted to 359. 43 schools have been turned into military outposts, according to PSIS’s data.
Such data also included students and educational staff shot dead by the Israeli army, totaling 848, while those wounded have mounted to 4792.

As for farmlands that have been exposed to Israeli violations until July 31, 2006, 80712 dunams were bulldozed, 13572896 trees were uprooted, and 784 stores were demolished. 788 poultries were destroyed completely and 14829 live stocks died, including 12151 cows.
15549 bee hives and 425 water wells were destroyed completely, while 207 farmers’ houses were demolished.

The Israeli authorities, the report disclosed, have also destroyed 33,792 dunams of irrigation networks, demolished 1360 water wells, bulldozed 631182 meters of barbed wire fences and razed 979,239 meters of water pipes.

The report also revealed that the number of Palestinian farmers to suffer losses has reached 16195, while the number of damaged plants mounted to 16, as the Israeli army has devastated a total of 16 agricultural machines.

Between January 2001 and June 2006, the Israeli army destroyed 9547 workshops.
Concerning unemployment, the report stated that 30.3% of Palestinian workers have faced unemployment, a total number of 288300 up until September 30, 2006. The poverty rate across the occupied Palestinian territories has reached 70%, according to data gathered until the third quarter of 2006.

As for Israeli violations against journalists, the report recorded 1147 attacks, and the Israeli army has erected 5001 checkpoints since October1, 2001.

The report concluded that a total of 247291 dunums of Palestinian-owned lands have been confiscated for the construction of the illegal (apartheid) Wall in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, while 432 industrial facilities have been damaged, according to the Palestinian ministry of national economy.