The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) in Gaza published its weekly report on the Israeli violations in the occupied territories in the period between February 22 – February 28. During the reported period, Israeli troops killed four Palestinians, shot and injured 28 people, including four children and four reporters.

Three of the four killed residents were extra-judicially assassinated by the Israeli forces.

 Troops conducted 43 invasions into the West Bank, and launched a wide scale military offensive in Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank.

On Monday, February 26, an Israeli sharpshooter shot and killed Anan Mohammad Al Teebi, 42, with a bullet to his neck. Ashraf, 24, Anan’s son , was shot in his hand as he attempted to rescue his father.

Soldiers prevented ambulances and medical crews from entering the area, and took the injured son prisoner.

During the Nablus offensive, eight civilians, including one child and two women were injured.

Three members of the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad were shot and killed by soldiers in the Jenin refuge camp.

 In Hebron, in the southern part of the West Bank, troops attacked an Italian cinema crew, the PCHR reported.

A total of 55 invasions were carried out by the Israeli army into Palestinian cities, villages and refugee camps.

During these attacks, soldiers took prisoner several members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, in Hebron.

Also, soldiers leveled three agricultural areas in Hebron, and annexed 199 Dunams of agricultural land in Jenin in order to establish a road for exclusive use by illegal Israeli settlers.

The Palestinian territories remained under a total siege as the residents continued to be obstructed from travelling between the cities and villages in the West Bank.

 Five residents, including two children, were taken prisoner at Israeli military checkpoints.

The Gaza Strip remained under strict siege, suffering shortages in fuels and basic goods.

In Jerusalem, Israeli authorites continued the excavations in the vicinity of the Al Aqsa Mosque, and imposed more restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the city. Soldiers installed more checkpoints at the entrances of the occupied city, especially on Friday morning (February 23).

All men under the age of 45 were not allowed to enter the mosque for Friday prayers.

Israel continued the construction of the Annexation Wall in the West Bank, and attacked dozens of Palestinian, Israeli and International peace activists during protests against the Wall in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah.

 The protestors were also marking the second anniversary of their peaceful protests against the Wall in Bil’in. The Israeli army fired rubber-coated bullets, sound bombs, and gas canisters, in addition to violently beating several protestors. Thirteen civilians, including two children and two reporters, were injured.