Palestinian governmental sources reported on Friday that the Unity Government will be announced after a meeting between President Mahmoud Abbas, and the acting Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyya on Sunday.The sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that Abbas and Haniyya will discuss the names of the new ministers presented by the different factions, and the agenda of the new government.

Abbas also intends to inform Haniyya on the results of his international tour.

Hamas said that it reached a final decision on the names of its proposed ministers and will present the list to Abbas on Saturday. The movement stated that it kept names of several previous ministers to be appointed to ministerial posts in the new government.

Also, the movement stated that it has no objection on Salaam Fayyad as the new deputy Prime Minister if he was chosen by Fateh.

Meanwhile, the leftist Palestinian People Party (PPS) said that it agrees in principle to be part of the new government.

Bassam Salhi, Secretary-General of the PPP, stated following a Friday evening meeting with Ismail Haniyya that the party will be part of the new government if it ensures the neutrality of the Ministry of Education, and to form a smaller ministerial council that includes all factions.

The PPS also wants the government to pay more attention to the agricultural sector and wants to be part of preparing the new government’s agenda.

The PPP will conclude its consultations in the coming two days with Haniyya, and will present its final decision.