Bethlehem resident Adnan Shnaith is imprisoned in Al Mascobia, or the Russian Compound, in West Jerusalem. He reported to a lawyer from the Palestinian Prisoner Society that since his detention in October, he has been “subjected to vicious and brutal assault.”  Shnaith told the PPS lawyer that during Thursday's raid on the cells, “25 soldiers began beating prisoners using batons on all parts of the body, which left many unconscious."

He said that Ahmed Sheikh fainted after the Israelis severely beat him, while Bilal Sheikh is covered in bruises. Jihad Jabril was shot in the back earlier which exacerbates new injuries and Zahid Dadra also suffers pains from lingering wounds.

The Prisoner Society reports that Israeli forces slammed Abu Tha'er Krifh's head into a toilet, causing the man to lose consciousness.

A number of people in Al Mascobia saw prison guards tearing pages from the Qur'an and throwing the Muslim holy book onto the ground.

Soldiers also forced Palestinian political prisoners to undress and laughed in an apparent attempt to humiliate them, reported the PPS in its latest findings based on sworn testimony.