Israeli forces invaded several parts of the West Bank and abducted 12 Palestinian civilians on Tuesday morning.
In the southern part of the West Bank, the Israeli army invaded the village Zawita near Nablus city. Soldiers searched and ransacked a number of homes them abducted Islam Judah, 18, and Mihsin Albawi, 23, and took them to unknown detention camps.

In the meantime, also in the northern part of the West Bank, an Israeli army force invaded the city of Jenin, Jenin refugee camp, the nearby Kufer Ra’ie and Qabatia village, three civilians were abducted.

Dia’e Milhem, 22, Mahmod Milhem, 21, were taken from their houses in Kufer Ra’ie village while Ahmad Abu Al Rub, was taken from his home in Qabatia village.

In Jenin city and Jenin refugee camp Israeli forces invaded the area and started to search some homes, clashes erupted between the invading troops and the local resistance fighters. The army left without making any abductions, and no injuries were reported on either side.

Tulkarem city located in the northern part of the West Bank was attacked on Tuesday morning, soldiers invaded the city and searched some houses then left. No abductions were reported, local sources stated.

Six Palestinian civilians were taken from the southern part of the West Bank. Israeli forces invaded several areas in Hebron city and nearby villages and abducted four men. Those abducted were known as; Shahir Ghalion, aged 45, from Hebron city, Salah Abu Rass, and Fo’ad Jiribat, from Al Tabaka village while Mohamed Amro and Omer Al Atrash, were taken from Dura village.

In Al Duha village near Bethlehem city troops surrounded the house of Rami Quniess, and searched it then took Quniess to an unknown detention camp.