On Tuesday Israeli army bulldozers accompanied by a barrage of heavy tank fire bulldozed Palestinian-owned lands to the east of Maghazi Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip.
Witnesses told an IMEMC correspondent that Israeli bulldozers have razed a hilltop called Abu Mandil, just 200 meters inside Maghazi boundaries. The area is on the Israel-Gaza border line, known as the Armistice Line of 1949, set down immediately after the Israeli-Arab war in 1948.

Witnesses confirmed that the bulldozers were accompanied by the army tanks, which opened heavy fire apparently as ‘cover’ for the bulldozing.

The hilltop overlooks the Israeli side of the border, witnesses maintained.

In July 2006, the Israeli army invaded the Magahzi area, killing at least 20 Palestinians, wounding more than 130 others and causing a great deal of destruction to many infrastructure points including electricity and water networks.