Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported on Friday evening that one person was killed and four were injured in violent clashes that took place in Al Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.  On Friday morning, one child was shot and killed in cross-fire as the clashes continued in Gaza causing further casualties.The sources stated that a resident of the area and member of the Preventive Security Force, named Arafa Nofal, was shot and killed during armed clashes between Hamas and Fateh gunmen.

Eyewitnesses reported that gunmen set ablaze a house belonging to the Badawiyya family after accusing family members of killing one of the leaders of the Al Qassam brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, two weeks ago.

Also, a Palestinian security source reported that on Friday afternoon gunmen abducted  two members of the Palestinian Security force in the center of Gaza City.

The sources accused Hamas gunmen of carrying out the abduction, adding that one of the abductees is a lieutenant.

Moreover, Fateh members abducted a Hamas member who was walking near the same area.

Sources in Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, reported that members of the Al Qassam Brigades abducted a Fateh member. Al Qassam Brigades accused the abducted member, Mohammad Al Athamna, of killing Mohammad Al Kafarna, one of its fighters two weeks ago.

Earlier on Friday, a two-year old child was shot and killed in cross-fire during clashes between Hamas and Fateh gunmen in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The child was identified as Hasan Abu Nada, aged 2.

The renewed wave of violence, abductions and killings arose in spite of a declaration by the new Palestinian Interior Minister, Hani Al Qawasmi, stating that an agreement was reached to end the clashes and the tension between Fateh and Hamas.

On Thursday, civilian Othman Sameer Helles, 48, was shot and killed during armed clashes between members of Helles' family and the Hamas-formed Executive Force. On Wednesday evening, Rami Abu Srour, 24, was shot and killed in Beit Lahia, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.