Palestinian medical sources in the northern West Bank city of Nablus reported on Tuesday at dawn that two fighters of the Al Aqsa Brigades, the armed wing of Fateh, were shot and killed by Israeli military fire during an invasion of the city.The sources identified the two fighters as Ala’ Ziad Al Ghaleeth, 26, and Mohannad Mreish, 24. The two were killed during a gun battle with the invading soldiers in the Old City of Nablus.

Eyewitnesses reported that the two bled for several hours as medical crews could not reach them due to the heavy clashes in the area, and the extensive military presence.

The clashes took place as dozens of armored military jeeps invaded Nablus and the Old City and exchanged fire with resistance fighters.

The army did not report any injuries among the soldiers, and claimed that troops identified fighters who were involved in firing at the army and placing explosives in front of military patrol, and fired at them, according to the army.

The brigades announced the death of its two fighters over loudspeakers.

In a separate incident, the army took prisoner seven residents in several parts of the West Bank overnight.