Israeli forces attacked and searched homes in several parts of the southern West Bank city of Hebron and lidnapped four civilians including two Palestinian Authority, officials, on Wednesday morning.Israeli forces attacked and searched homes in several parts of the southern West Bank city of Hebron and lidnapped four civilians including two Palestinian Authority, officials, on Wednesday morning.

Nizar Shihada, 39, Director of the Palestinian Ministry of Education in Hebron was kidnapped by Israeli troops who broke into, searched and ransacked his house. Shihada was then taken to unknown detention camp.

The employees at the directorate of the Ministry of Education in Hebron organized a sit in on Wednesday morning, to protest the kidnapping of Shihada.

Also in Hebron city, another Israeli force surrounded and searched the house of Abd Al Qader Idrees, justice at the Religoius Court. Eyewitnesses reported that soldiers searched and ransacked Idrees’ house then took him to un known location.

On his part, Palestinian chief justice, Sheikh Tayseer Al-Tamimi condemned the kidnap of Idrees, and calling upon the human rights organization to demand the Israeli authorities to immediately release him.

Israeli army also kidnapped Fadil Hamamda, 28, and Nasser Al Adrah, 30, while herding their sheep in nearby Yatta villge farmlands south of Hebron.

The farm lands are adjacent to the Israeli settlement of Afigai, which was originally built on farm lands that belong to farmers from Yatta village. Israeli soldiers claimed that the two men were in a closed military zone.