The Israeli army invaded the village of Kufer Daan village west of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, killed one civilian and abducted ten residents, on Saturday morning.

Palestinian sources identified the man as Mohamed 'Abed, 23.


Resident s of the village reported that ‘Abed, who worked as a Palestinian policeman was hit by three rounds of live ammunition in his head as he was standing on his rooftop. His body was moved to the Jenin governmental hospital.


A massive Israeli force invaded the village of Kufer Daan, soldiers took over some homes and turned them to militaryposts. Resistance fighter exchanged fire with the invading forces, eyewitnesses reported

Soldiers also searched and ransacked scores of residents' homes and abducted fifteen civilians and took them to unknown ddestinations.

Five of the kidnapped residents were identified as Sami Nimir, 27, Ramzi Nimir, 25, Ibraheem Nimir, Mohamed Nimir and his brother Ahmad.

Witnesses added that during the search campaign to residents' homes, Israeli soldiers detonated sound bombs inside the searched homes causing damage to the families belongings.


On Friday evening, twenty residents were injured after the army invaded Beit Forik village, near Nablus. Soldiers also demolished one house after claiming that resistance fighters where hiding in it, and the fighters opened fire at the invading forces.