Arab Member of Knesset Dr. Azmi Bishara submitted his resignation to the Israeli Embassy in Cairo- Egypt on Sunday. Israel closes his office in Jerusalem and his successor Sa’eed Naffa’ takes over.Arab Member of Knesset Dr. Azmi Bishara submitted his resignation to the Israeli Embassy in Cairo- Egypt on Sunday.

Bishara has intended to resign since September 2006, said a press release by the National Democratic Gathering party, however he delayed his resignation because he was following up some bills in the Knesset to be passed, in addition to a request by the central committee of the party.

The sources added that Bishara does not plan to go back to Israel in the coming few weeks as he was warned by some Israeli politicians that the Security Service is planning to arrest him upon entry.

In the mean time, other sources said that Bishara may not be able to leave Israel for years if he comes back now, until investigation is over.

The State of Israel is investigating Bishara alleged involvement in Anti-Israel activities or meetings with people and officials that Israel regard as a security threat.

On the other hand, Director General of the Knesset Avi Plashinkov, immediately closed Bishara’s office in Jerusalem and forced his assistance, Tareq Birqdar out.

Bishara is very critical of the Israeli policies against Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and also inside Israel and always describe it as discriminatory. They part that he is heading calls for equal rights for the Arabs with the Jews in Israel.

The Arabs 48 news website said that when Birqdar objected closing the office, because Parliamentary immunity is valid for 49 hours after the resignation, he was told, that these were orders by the Police.

Sources from the Bishara’s party said that Sa’eed Naffa’, a lawyer will replace Bishara in the Knesset.

Naffa’ was the fourth on the candidates’ list of the party in the latest Israeli elections of March 2006.

Naffa’ belongs to the Druze in Israel and is known of refusing to be drafted in the Israeli army. He heads a group that advocates refusing to join the Israeli army among the Druze. Naffa’, 54 and three of his sons were sent to jail for refusing to be drafted in the army.