It is not by chance, not accidental that only a few days after the Arab Follow-up Committee assigned Jordan and Egypt to start holding talks with Israel, to present the Arab Initiative, Israel escalated its attacks and assassination against Palestinian fighters in the occupied West Bank.It is not by chance, not accidental that only a few days after the Arab Follow-up Committee assigned Jordan and Egypt to start holding talks with Israel, to present the Arab Initiative, Israel escalated its attacks and assassination against Palestinian fighters in the occupied West Bank.

The Israeli attacks did not exclude anybody; the army killed men, women and children, and also killed fighters and security men.

The under-cover forces of the Israeli army escalated their operations in the occupied West Bank, and once again, resumed the assassination policy.

It is never by chance that every time the Arabs take one step towards peace, declare an initiative or renew an initiative, the Israeli response comes by more invasions, more assassinations and more settlement expansion.

Israel always wants its responses to be practical, just as the army carried one of the ugliest massacres in Jenin refugee camp in 2002, and surrounded the Palestinian headquarters in Ramallah while the Arab league presented its imitative.

It is clear that Israel wants the moderate Arabs and Palestinians to be cornered. What will the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, say to Olmert in the upcoming meeting, or to be more precise, what will he say to the families of the victims?

What will the Egyptian and Jordanian leadership tell their people, and the Arab people, while Israel is responding with more violence and aggression to any Arab peace initiative? It became clear that Israel wants to tell the Arab world that any peace deal should abide by the Israeli preconditions.

Israel is ongoing with its war against the Palestinian people, and ongoing with its extrajudicial assassinations and invasions. These attacks do not exclude anybody, leaders or fighters, and repeatedly accompanied any summit, Arab-Israeli, or Palestinian-Israeli meeting.

Israel wants to make the life of moderate Arabs and Palestinians very tough, it wants to embarrass them in front of their people, and oust them from its political game.

It wants them to collect their belongings and go home; Israel prefers the language of bullets and Apache fighter-jets.

It is in Israel’s best interest that chaos and insecurity in the Gaza Strip remains uncontrolled, it does not want negotiations, or peace partners.

 The Israeli state always played its game by saying that “there is no Palestinian partner for peace”, or even no Arab partner, these statements are the life-vests that the Israeli leadership uses to escape and avoid implementing the Israeli obligations.

The current Israeli leadership is surrounded by scandals, corruption and incapability, but yet it plays its game regardless of these facts and the fact that the current Israeli leadership is the least favorite one in Israel’s history.

Translated by Saed Bannoura