25 Palestinian civilians were kidnapped by Israeli army as the later conducted pre dawn invasion in several part of the West Bank on Tuesday.
Ten of the civilians kidnapped by the army on Tuesday were taken from the city of Nablus in the northern part of the West Bank. A massive Israeli force invaded the city and the nearby Balata and Asker refugee camps, troops opened fire randomly at residents’ homes and cars, soldiers also searched a number of homes all over the city before leaving and taking ten men to unknown location.

Among those kidnapped were; Mahier khattab, 17, Raed Yousif, 25, Amied Al Nator, 27.

Elsewhere also in the northern part of the West Bank Israeli troops attacked and searched a number of homes in the village of Qafien located to the north of Tulkarem city, during the search soldiers kidnapped for men form the village among them were Nabel Harshah, and Anan Sudah.

Abd Al Haleem Marab’a, 24, was kidnapped by Israeli forces when he was stopped at a military checkpoint out said of Qalqilia city in the northern part of the West Bank.

Also on Tuesday at dawn, three Palestinian civilians were taken form the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem. Troops stormed and searched residents homes in Bethlehem city and nearby Assakra village, troops left the city after searching a number of homes and kidnapping Ali Shawara, 55, Wissam Al Hirami, and Ahmad Salah.