Palestinian Legislator Qais Abdul-Karim (Abu Laila) member of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, slammed that harsh Israeli military attack against a peaceful procession Marking May 1, the Labors Day, at the Qalandia checkpoint, near the northern West Bank city of Ramallah.Soldiers attacked the procession with batons, fired gas bombs and rubber-coated metal bullets, and kidnapped Mahmoud Khalifa, the vice-secretary of the Labors Unity Block in the West Bank.

During the procession, Abu Laila stated that this protest is to raise the Palestinian voice so the whole world could hear that these checkpoints are isolating the Palestinian areas, and isolating the Palestinian people from each other while baring the workers from reaching their work places and centers.

The checkpoints are also barring the famers from reaching their orchards, in addition to barring the residents from reaching the needed medical facilities.

Abu Laila demanded the world and every nation that advocates peace to support the Palestinian people, the Palestinian laborers and the struggle for independence and freedom.

He called for ending the Israeli injustice, removing the Annexation Wall and settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, especially since the poor people, the laborers and famers are paying a high price since these illegal settlements, and the illegal Wall, are built on their land.

He also stated that unemployment in Palestine has reached a critical level, and the government also became incapable of providing the residents with the needed services as a result of the siege.

Abu Laila called on the Palestinian unity government to implement a practical plan that would be able to lift the embargo, and to end the chaos in order to enable the people to continue their struggle against the siege, occupation and the illegal Wall.

He also called on the government to solve the salaries crisis in order to pay the public sector employees their late salaries.