Palestinian sources reported that the Israeli army shot and killed Palestinian civilian and kidnapped his brother in the northern part of the Gaza strip on Wednesday midday.
Dr. Mo’awiah Hassanin, the head of the emergency department in the Palestinian ministry of health in Gaza stated that Mas’od Suboh, a Beit Lahia resident, northern Gaza strip was shot with multiple live rounds in the head by the Israeli troops stationed near the Israeli evacuated settlement of Aili Sanayi in northern Gaza strip, his brother was kidnapped by those forces, Dr. Hassanin added.

Aili Sanayi was evacuated during the 2005 unilateral Israeli disengagement plan. Palestinian medical teems managed to retrieve the man’s body and transported it to Kamal Andawn hospital in Beit Lahia town.

Earlier this week Israeli army officials hinted that the Israeli army would carry out an attack on the Gaza Strip to ‘crack down on the Palestinian homemade shells’, being fired on nearby Israeli targets.

Last November, both Israelis and Palestinians agreed to a ceasefire in Gaza, yet Israeli army has recently killed 10 Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Later on, Palestinian resistance groups announced the ceasefire ‘dead’.

Palestinian officials have raised great concerns from the devastating effects caused by a possible Israeli military operation on Palestinian civilians in the Gaza strip.