The Palestinian Center For Human Rights, based in Gaza, published its weekly report on the Israeli violations in the Palestinian occupied territories in the period between April 26 and May 2. During the reported period, soldiers carried 55 invasions, shot and killed two Palestinians, injured three others, and abducted 55 residents.One member of the Presidential Guard Force was shot and killed by the army in the Gaza Strip, and another resident was killed in the West Bank.

The first casualty, a member of the Presidential Guards Force, was shot and killed by Israeli military fire on Thursday evening, 26 April 2007, in the Al Biereh town, near the northern West Bank city of Ramallah. Two members of the force were injured.

On Wednesday, 2 May 2007, troops shot dead a Palestinian civilian and kidnapped his brother in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The two brothers were collecting metals in that area.

During the reported period, three Palestinian civilians were shot and injured by Israeli military gunfire in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Soldiers carried 28 invasions into Palestinian areas in the occupied West Bank, and kidnapped 55 residents, including six children and one woman. One resident was kidnapped in an invasion into the Gaza Strip.

Thirteen Palestinian residents were kidnapped on Israeli military roadblocks in the occupied West Bank; two of the abducted residents are children.

Troops continued their attacks against the non-violent weekly protest against the Annexation Wall in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah, and injured one French peace activist. Residents, Israeli and international peace activists hold a weekly nonviolent protest every Friday in the village.

During the Friday April 27 protest against the Wall, soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear-gas canisters. The 31-year old French activist was shot by a rubber-coated bullet in the leg.

The Palestinian territories remained under a total siege imposed by the army, and the Gaza Strip remained totally isolated from the world suffering from shortages in medicine and fuels.

Troops continued the construction of the Annexation Wall in the West Bank and annexed more Palestinian lands and orchards for the construction of the Wall.

The army issued a military order annexing 239 Dunams of farmland in Bardala village, in the Jordan valley for the purpose of construction a new section of the Wall. The new section would isolate at least 5000 Dunams of agricultural land. troops already annexed 4000 Dunams in the past in that area to construct the Wall.

Troops also issued military orders annexing 60 Dunams of orchards belongings to residents of two villages near Jenin in the northern part of the West Bank.

Settlement activities continued in the West Bank, and settlers continued to occupy a Palestinian house in Hebron for the sixth consecutive week. Settlers also attacked another Palestinian family in the city.

Full PCHR report