In a statement sent to press on Saturday, the Islamic Jihad group in Gaza claimed it fired two homemade shells on the nearby Israeli town of Sderot, hitting a house with no injuries.

A third shell hit the Ashkelon (Almajdal) town, the statement read. The Islamic Jihad’s armed wing Alquds Brigades said its homemade shells today came in retaliation to the Israeli killing of three of its members yesterday in the West Bank city of Jenin.

A spokesman of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas condemned yesterday the Israeli attack, saying it would hinder efforts to expand a state of calm in the West Bank.

An Israeli army under-cover unit assassinated on Friday three Islamic Jihad members, while driving toward a village, close to Jenin.

Palestinian resistance groups have recently resumed homemade shells fire from Gaza onto nearby Israeli targets after Israel had killed 8 Palestinians in the West Bank and a ninth in the Gaza Strip.

While a six-month-old ceasefire in Gaza has been threatened amidst Israeli threats to carry out a ground offensive on the Gaza Strip, Israel continues attacks on West Bank areas, under the pretext of cracking down on what Israel calls ‘wanted Palestinians’.